Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Video Game Pitch: Shattered

"Going through the looking glass is easy...
            but how can you return once the glass has shattered?" 

Main Concept:
     Up to two people play as fifteen year Schye and her companions as they fight their way through Endring, a wild fantasy land full of mythical beasts and a powerful evil. The animation is realistic and but fantastic. 

     At the age of six Schye, a short black haired girl with blue eyes, was playing at the edge of the small wood behind her home. Amidst her pretending she noticed a strange blue wisp of a creature fluttering around a clump of bushes on the far side of the clearing. Being a six year old, she immediately took it upon herself to capture the glittering creature. As Schye chased it to through the forest she failed to notice the darkening clouds closing in and her pregnant mother's worried voice calling her to return to the house. The following morning, Schye is found deep in the woods at the center of a ring of mushrooms commonly called a fairy ring. She is unharmed other than a broken arm that would later prove to leave a strange scar.
     In the years to come after the incident Schye would increasingly avoid the woods for reasons she couldn't quite understand and whenever anyone ever pressed her for information concerning that night, she would begin spinning tales of an enchanted land called Endring and a three headed lion with a snake for a tail that broke her arm. No one, of course, believed her. Thus became the status quo, that is until one day several weeks after her fifteenth birthday, the day that her youngest brother was born and died. Due to medical complications that had also plagued her 1st and 2nd pregnancies, both mother and son died. On returning from the hospital Schye's step father lashed out on the two young girls he had never considered his own. A violent struggle ensued ending in Schye being unable to save her sister from the man turned monster and his wicked intentions. In an traumatized panic she runs into the once familiar woods and yet again finds herself at the center of a fairy ring. 

Game play:
     Play begins when Schye wakes to find herself in  Endring for the second time, a place that she had begun to believe was a figment of her dreams. She begins to explore the world around her and soon encounters three guards who accuse her of trespassing and throw her into the king's dungeons. After several weeks a "good" witch appears to her and makes a deal with her: if Schye retrieves her runed septer from the forbidden lands she will help her escape from the king's dungeon, but there will be dire consequences if she fails to complete the task or goes back on her word. Seeing no alternative, Schye agrees to complete the quest. Her journey is of course a difficult one and she encounters a variety of monsters that she must defeat in order to progress. However, the farther into Endring she goes the less sense the world around her makes. She begins to see flickers of her home while she is hiking through the forest terrain and the faces her mother and sister, both of which she knows to be dead, in the bustling crowds of the kingdom. Once she even woke to discover herself in a small white hospital room with a locked door back in our world. The hallucination, however, ended quickly. Still, Schye begins to wonder whether she is in Endring or back in her home town. The problem is if Schye is not actually in Endring, what has she been doing in reality? Does victory in Endring equal death in our world? The choices made by the gamer determine the answer. Playing as Schye or one of the several companions she meets on her journey, the gamer must decide which monsters to vanquish and when to run. Keeping in mind not only the quest Schye has sworn to complete, but also the possibility of Endring being a lie and the consequences that would bring. 


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