Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sexuality in Stardust

    In class we talked a bit about how violence is more widely accepted than sex in movies and books. I had never really thought about this until recently. I think why sex is less accepted in movies is that when you show nudity it's actually a naked woman or person who is being exposed. With violence the weapons, wounds, and blood are fake no matter how real they look. Seeing sex stays in your mind that's why people can get addicted to pornography. Violence isn't something that you can get addicted to seeing. 
     Descriptions of sex aren’t necessarily needed in movies or books. There are ways of describing events without being explicit. In the Stardust movie, the first sex scene isn’t even shown but the audience is well aware of what happened. Violence is sometimes needed in a story to show plot progression or importance of the situations. For example, the Battle of Five Armies in the Hobbit isn’t necessarily needed but it shows how important the quest for the treasure was important to a great of the inhabitants of Middle Earth.
      I guess opinions very per person on this subject but I find explicit sex in books and movies very unnecessary.

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