Sunday, April 20, 2014

Stardust: A Few Pro's and Con's

     Stardust was a good book in general, but I feel like there are some positive and negative things that can be pointed out about it seldom to how we did in class. I enjoyed how it reminded me of old fairy tales like that of Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. The witches felt very old world especially since they were trying to find the star to eat her heart for her youth. The heart part really reminded me of Snow White and how the Evil Queen ordered the huntsman to kill Snow White.   
     On the other hand, the main character, while not being a stereotypical woman, was whiny and not a person I would ever wish to be. She complained a lot and felt slightly obnoxious to me, but she was at least better than the stereotypical witches who were some of the only other women in the book. Tristran’s mother is better than the witches but the way we are introduced to her is less than ideal in my opinion. The only impression the reader gets about her is that she was very sexual and later that she was royalty.

     While there were a few things about the book I found less than ideal all in all I enjoyed the book a lot.

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