Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mendacium Chronicles

"The future belongs to the strong-hearted...
and to those who accept their fate."

Main Concept – Alongside an intimidating warrior, a young man journeys through a foreign land, determined to get back to the world he came from.

Overview/Plot – The main character (the essential Chosen One of the game) (his name is given by the player) is sucked into a world that is not his own and that was not by his choice. He wakes up on the cobbled ground of a foreign city bustling with people and creatures of which he has never seen. When he unintentionally insults a creature and causes it to push and challenge him, an intimidating man by the name of Bo scares the creature away and extends a hand to the main character (MC). Though Bo tries to leave him, the MC begs him to allow him to stay with Bo. He reluctantly agrees, but only if the character is properly equips himself for this world. Bo does not want to be responsible for someone who does not own a weapon. This is the prologue to the story. The MC stays with Bo in the inner sewers of the city, working for Bo’s business and earning enough money to stay alive. After working hard for weeks, Bo decides to give the MC a sword with a thin blade that once belonged to his younger brother. Soon after, it is announced in the city that the King, after many years of being silent and ignoring the needs of his people, has decided to banish the lower class who have taken residence and have built markets underground. And, by "banish," he means beaten and killed by armed soldiers. Many people are murdered. The lowest class makes up a large portion of the population. Outside the walls of the city lies nothing for many many miles in any direction. Bo approaches the MC, grabs his two-handed great sword and departs for new life. Upon arriving in varying villages, they learn more about the supposedly "silent" King whose city they had fled from. They also hear rumors about a land untouched by darkness, and abundant with resources. The name of this island is Mendacium. When they learn this, the MC is confused yet excited. He tells Bo that his previous home (in the world where he came from) is called Mendacium, and, though it couldn't be the same one in this world, he really wants to make the journey to the familiar name. With even more motivation to move on, they make their way to the rumored promise land. They meet many people on their journey who are also interested in reaching their destination. They end up teaming up with five additional characters, who each bring forth different skills, abilities, and personalities. This part of the game relies a lot on the player. They have a lot of say in who they accept into their party, though they can only accept up to five. When they finally reach the island, it is surrounded by the armies of the King. Bo addresses the King as "brother," and the MC realizes that Bo has been royalty this whole time and that his sword was once intended for the King. The King had wanted his sword back, and knew that Bo was living among the underground dwellers. This is why he murdered and had his armies go after thousands of people. The party fights the King and his men. Toward the end of the battle, the MC tosses his royal sword to Bo, who then kills his brother. This means that Bo is now, rightfully, King. The MC and Bo realize that this means they have to part ways. Bo thanks MC for his company and help. He tells the MC that is he needs anything at all, he need only ask. He asks Bo to help him make it across the water to the island of Mendacium. They use one of the previous king's ships and make it to the other side. When they step on to the land together, they encounter an isolated old man who claims that the MC has "done well." This oracle had chosen the MC to come to this world for this purpose. There is a portal that will bring him back to the place his heart calls home. MC says his goodbyes to King Bo and the rest of his party, and walks through a portal. When he opens his eyes, he is still on the island, facing the friends that he realizes he has long considered family. The end.

Gameplay – This is a single-player game; however, it allows for many many hours of gameplay. The characters can level up, gain skills, cast magic, and fight monsters. The battles have classic "take turns" style of gameplay, and earns you level-up points and money to reward your victories. There are many mini adventures and quests you can take on with your party along the way. Though the game has a set plot and story, the player is able to roam the world on their own once they leave the original city. Only the beginning and final scenes/battles are in a certain order. Other than that, the player can wander as they please, completing tasks in the order of their choosing. Many of the hidden items and quests require that the player wander through most of the land. Enemies get harder as the characters level up.

Animation/Art - Similar to that of Final Fantasy XII

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