Thursday, April 3, 2014

Harry Potter's Uproar

All the christians were/are in an uproar about Mr. Harry Potter and his books. With the use of spells, wands, and the reoccurring theme of death; parents and religious mentors disapprove of J.K. Rowling's books. Parents hate this book and don't want their children to read it but, their children are truly missing out on such a great story. Harry Potter doesn't only teach friendship but how to deal with bullies, death, loss, and love. It shows Harry having to deal with responsibilities and the consequences of his actions. So, if it has such good morals and lessons in it, why is the witch craft such a drastic matter? Narnia has witchcraft. Along with the Hobbit, stardust, and all the fairytales children read/watch. But, there is just something about the mood in Harry Potter that makes religious folks go nuts.

Could it be that the spells are being taught to the students. Since Hogwarts is a school (similar to boarding schools today and work the same way as high schools do) and the magic is being taught to the students like we would learn math or english could very well be the reason that parents don't like their children reading and enjoying the series. I have talked to several mothers about the matter and this seems to be the reoccurring answer. They don't want their children to read the books, see that the children in those books are learning spells, think that doing such is okay, and then walk around "casting" spells and yelling stupify at every spider they see.

Regardless of the book's details I think the parents problems with the books aren't necessarily towards the content but is within themselves. The uproar about Harry Potter comes from adults and most of them haven't read them. They hear Hogwarts a school for witchcraft and blow it off and call it satanist literature, and then get upset when their children want to read it. I think that the major issue with all this is that the parents don't trust themselves, their children, and the ability to separate reality and the fantasy world. If a child can watch Cinderella and not walk around saying Bibbiti Boppiti Boo to every pumpkin they see then they can, with some talks with their parents, understand that walking around yelling stupify at spiders wont actually work. Christians just need to give their Children, themselves, and their minds a little more credit.  

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