Sunday, April 20, 2014

Names in Stardust

From the first few chapters of Stardust, It's clear to see that the names of many of the characters are significant and intentional. Take the sons of Stormhold, for instance. They are named according to their birth order (Primus being the first, Septimus being the second, and so on). Some names in the novel, however, are not as obvious in meaning. Here are a few that are worth exploring:

Victoria Forester: Victoria's first name comes from the same root as "victory." Her first name is fitting for a few reasons. For one, it is the name of the Queen of England at the time the story takes place. This corresponds to Tristan's idea of her as near-royalty in the village of Wall, as he often exclaims that she is the prettiest girl to be seen. Also, her name is associated with victory, and many men try to win her heart. This is especially true of Tristan, who yearns for the victory of having her hand, and goes to great lengths to try to win it. Her last name can be seen as symbolic too; she is like a forest in that men get lost in her beauty.

Yvaine: This one is rather obvious, but still worth mentioning for those who are unaware. "Yvaine" means "evening star" or "first star of the night."

Tristan: This name means "tumult," or "outcry." This is an interesting choice for the character. In some ways, Tristan can be seen as the embodiment of his father's outcry for adventure and his "heart's desire." Tristan is the product of this. "Tumult" is fitting because it is suggested that his soul would be restless as long as he remained on the primary side of the Wall.

Those are just a few of the names in Stardust that bear looking at closely.

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