Sunday, March 30, 2014

Racism in the World of Harry Potter

     The books of Harry Potter have a clearly defined sense of racism and it's never soon as a positive thing. Voldemort had a specific hatred to Muggles even though he himself was half Muggle. When he was Tom Riddle he said, "Surely you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father’s name?" Voldemort had so much hatred for the Muggles that he wanted to wipe them out completely which is very reminiscent of the Holocaust. If the Dark Lord would have been successful in his plans something like what happened to the Jews would have been imitate.
     The Malfoy's also had a hatred for non-wizarding humans, or really anything less pure in blood then them. Draco bullied Hermione and Harry because he had learned racism from his parents. 
     On the other end of this there are Muggles aware of the Wizarding World who were hostile toward it and accepting. The Dersley's hated Harry because he was a Wizard and because Mrs. Dersley's sister married a different type of person then they would have liked. The entire time Harry lived with them hey treated him less than humanely and were afraid that Harry will do something Wizardly that will embarrass them. While the Dersley's were horrible people who hate wizards there were the Grangers. Both were Muggles yet they had a Witch for a daughter and they were completely supportive.
     I think J.K. Rowling did a good job showing that while bad people may have certain feelings to a group of people not everyone is like that. Those who are good don’t see a difference in people just because of one small, unimportant factor in their genetics or way they act.

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