Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Alice in Wonderland


        Alice in wonderland started Johnny Depp as the mad hatter, Mia Wasikowska as Alice, Helena Bonham Carter as the red queen and Anne Hathaway as the white queen. It was produce by Tim Burton and released in March of 2010. They took Lewis Carroll’s story of a little girl that falls down a rabbit hole and ends up in a mysterious world to a whole new extreme. In this movie she is no longer a little stubborn little girl that wishes there were no rules in life. She is now grown up and having to face grown up things, like marriage.
The movie starts off with her going to her engagement party. While she is there she keeps seeing a white rabbit in a waistcoat. Hamish takes her to a gazebo and asks for her hand. But, she has better things to worry about, like the peculiar rabbit running into the forest. She follows him and finds herself in Underland. While in Underland she has to prove herself to be the Alice that they all want her to be. She frees the Mad Hatter from the Red Queen’s court and takes back the Vorpal sword. The Red Queen and the White Queen go to war. Alice has finally found herself as the Alice and puts on the Vorpal armor to slay the Jabberwacky. The battle goes on and she indeed slays the Jabberwacky.  

She finds her purpose in life while in Underland. She realizes what she can do with her life instead of just sit around useless. She makes up a trade route to China, one her father would be proud of. The movie had great effects and acting. The chemistry on stage was uncanny. The plot line flowed throughout the whole movie and held your attention. Never once did I yawn or think of turning it off. It showed that woman can be strong and caring at the same time. Even in Victorian times a woman could be the holder of her own destiny, and Alice did just that. 

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