Friday, March 21, 2014

Harry Potter Travels There and Back Again Though the Wardrobe

         At the very end of my last post I saw a similarity between the Harry Potter series and the Chronicles of Narnia. Granted, it wasn't a very serious one. However, that post and that line of though got me thinking about whether or not there were any more and more serious ones. I came up with a few, but to confirm most of them I will have to reread the The Philosopher's Stone. But, in the course of reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and now starting Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, I have noticed that all of the main characters in these two stories not only going there to the fairyland and then come back again, but return and leave multiple times. In the case of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry leaves his cave - or rather his cupboard under some stairs - and steps into the reality of magic and fantasy, however after each term of school he is required to return to the Dursley's home and then again in September he's gotta get back to Hogwarts. Harry continues to do this for most of the story until he chooses to essentially stay in fairyland.The same could be said for the four children in the chronicles of Narnia - six if you count the two in the Magician's Nephew. Although, the children that enter Narnia and explore it leave at the end of their adventures, they do in fact return to Narnia in the end.
          I'm curious as to how this ties into The Hobbit, Phantastes, and Wood Beyond the World. We have also been suggesting that once you enter the fairyland and become "queer" then you must return from that land. This occurs in The Hobbit and in Phantases, but not in Wood Beyond the World; The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe; and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I don't really have an answer to this question but maybe someone else does? Also I hope you appreciate how long it took me to thing of that totally awesome title!

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