Sunday, March 16, 2014

Edmund: Not actually a bad guy

In my reading and personal conversations with people who have read the book most readers come to one disturbing conclusion; Edmund is a bad person, he almost lead his family to their deaths for his own personal gain. This is horrifying to me because he isn't any of these things, let’s remember facts about Edmund shall we? He is at most fourteen years old, when he first travels to Narnia he does not know who the white witch is or that she is the protagonist in the story, he is also belittled by his family for his negative view on life. In my opinion Edmund isn't a bad person at all he is simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The actions that people would assume to make him a bad person are that he convinces his older brother and sister to follow him and Lucy into a magical world (how horrible). Then tries to lead them to the white witch, let me point out that yes this was a mistake but again he assumed she was correct royalty, he didn't have the same information that Mr. Tumnus had given Lucy. He then apologizes when he is saved after he is jailed (lets again remember he is at most just barely a teen).

Everyone speaks as though Edmund is the worst person but in fact he is all of us, was there never a time when you had good intentions but bad execution? You did something because it seemed right at the time then regretted it once shown the error of your ways? Edmund is the part of us we don’t like to talk about, the part that makes foolish mistakes and must live with the consequences. But Edmund is also brave and honorable in later books, he always does what the thinks is best and right. This is why it bothers me when people say they don’t like Edmund, because how can you hate the part of yourself that changes you the most?

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