Saturday, March 22, 2014

Peter and Edmund

     I’ve realized that we didn’t really talk about Peter and Edmund's relationship in class yet. When I first watched the Chronicles of Narnia my favorite character was Peter. I liked him because he was the leader and got a cool sword. But the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve realized that he wasn’t as good of a person as I thought.  I, like others, didn’t like Edmund that much. He was rude and betrayed his siblings. But, as a younger sibling I would probably react to Peter the same was as Edmund, with sarcasm and rudeness. If I was him, I would see Peter’s “leadership” as being extremely bossy, demanding and an unwanted replacement to my parents.

     Someone in class mentioned how Edmund was misunderstood. I tend to agree with this now that I’m older. It’s much easier to see William in a good light when he wasn’t tested like Edmund was. If Peter was in that situation, what would he have done? Edmund did go to the Queen after he found out she was evil and did betray his siblings to a point. But considering that Lucy was the golden child and that Susan and Peter treated him like an annoying little brother I really can’t judge him as harshly as I might have originally.      

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