Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Narnia: In need of more than just Lucy.

What if Narnia was just about Lucy’s experience in Narnia? Would it have had the same affect? Indeed it would not have. You would have been a tale of a little girl that did some really impressive things. But, the story would have been completely different. You wouldn’t have seen the different aspects of life, love, and family we see portrayed throughout the book. Each one of the children represents a different element of life. If the story would have been only about Lucy I feel that readers wouldn’t of taken to it the way that they have. Each one of the four shows different qualities and aspects that we can connect with. The book would have been more adolescent feeling if Peter and Susan had not been there. Peter represents heroics, Susan peace and love, Edmund just and bravery, and Lucy bold and courageous. You need all of these to run a kingdom, all of these to be a great hero. Lucy herself could not have run a great kingdom. She needed her brothers and sisters to help guide her. Without Edmund Peter wouldn't of learned patience. Without Peter Susan wouldn't of learned that sometimes its okay to go against what you're told. Without Lucy Edmund would have never learned his worth, and without Susan Lucy wouldn't of learned how to grow up and be strong. 

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