Sunday, March 23, 2014

Humble Beginnings

This week I decided to post about something I have been thinking about for quite a while. This is a theme that I have seemed to notice all my life and taking this course has sharpened my idea enough to where I think I can post on it.

My thoughts concerning fantasy novels as of late have all been about their beginnings. Most of the stories that I have read have dealt with the character coming from some sort of small beginnings. With Harry we see him leaving his cupboard under the stairs, with Bilbo we see him leaving his quaint hole in the ground. Even in Narnia we see the children entering into the world through a humble wardrobe.

Does this have any effect on the way that we read the story? For me I think that it has. I believe that a lot of us feel that we have come from humble beginnings in some way or another, or maybe that's just me? Either way I think that this is a clever story device for those writing fantasy novels. It seems that most of the fantasy stories: at least all of the good ones anyway, seem to have the character coming from some type of small beginnings. These characters of course go on to do some big things that the story then follows. I think the cleverness therefore comes from this motive of small beginnings and big outcomes.  I guess that I have such an affinity for these kinds of stories because it makes me believe that I too can achieve some kind of huge outcome.

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