Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kingdom Hearts Game Review

Synopsis: Gather 'round, children. I am going to tell you a story of three dreamers who lived on an island isolated from all other worlds. The name of this remote paradise? Destiny Islands. The main protagonist of the story, Sora, had only ever heard stories of the outside world from his friend (and future love interest) Kairi, who had moved to the island multiple years prior. Accompanied by his best friend Riku, these hungry souls planned to escape the world in which their parents raised them and set out to the unknown. During this period, a stranger in a hood approaches Sora and ominously informs him, "This world has been connected." Strange men appearing in caves aside, the three continue preparing for their departure. The night before their escape, however, a terrible storm sweeps through the island and destroys their raft. The island becomes engulfed in darkness and Sora finds himself in possession of a key-shaped sword known as a "Keyblade," while also being separated from his friends.

Meanwhile, the king of Disney Castle has gone missing. His subjects, Donald and Goofy, set out to help their king and to find the "wielder of the key," as their leader had instructed in his goodbye letter.
Sora wakes up in a place called "Traverse Town," with no recollection of how he got there or where his friends are. It is here that he learns the true meaning of holding the Keyblade. The Keyblade master must keep every world from being connected. If these doors stay open, they allow dark creatures known as "Heartless" (manifestations of the darkness within us) to invade the land and swallow it in darkness. It is the Keyblade bearer's job to find the keyhole in each world and lock it with his blade. 
Donald and Goofy find and accompany Sora on his mission, and Sora continues to search for Riku and Kairi in these strange lands (themed after Disney movies).

Review: This game almost embodies the broad definition of fantasy. There is the primary world of Destiny Islands and the secondary world of every other world that Sora visits. There is magic (spells to heal yourself, spells of fire/ice/thunder/air for offensive attacks), odd creatures and talking animals, and unique weapons. Though I will not give any spoilers, the ending does come to a "happily ever after" (though relatively perhaps, since it is set up for a sequel). There are those characters who are classified as pure evil - the Heartless - and I believe that has a lot to do with fantasy stories. I think it is safe to say that many fantasy stories have an obvious "light" and "dark" side and this game definitely follows these guidelines, though sprinkled with some deeper stories for certain "evil" characters.

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