Sunday, March 2, 2014

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part Two

        Okay, so because I have recently watched this movie, I feel as though I have adequate reason and ability to conduct a review of it. I will note that in this review I will not be comparing the film with the book as I believe that all films adapted from books are joint works and are therefore partially separate.
        Firstly I will just say that I think that this poster above really captures the meaning of the entire series. All of Harry's life has been contextualized by the influence of He Who Must Not Be Named  (Voldemort) on his life. This movie is about how Harry deals with the things he cannot control because of said influence. 
        The major crux (haha horcrux) of this movie is the idea that Harry has a piece of Voldemort living inside him. For all intents and purposes Harry is a horcrux that voldemort never intended to make. This is a brilliant idea that portrays how we all have something inside of us that we are trying to change. That being said, I think that this film does well in portraying a specific part of Harry's character in laying down his life for all of those he loves.

        As for Voldemort, I really think that he was casted and portrayed well from the very beginning. Through Ralph Fiennes's portrayal we really see how vindictive and ruthless Voldemort really is. He inspires an idea of pure evil and a complete lack of care for human life. He truly is unpredictable and I think that this is what lends itself to such a perfect casting. It speaks for itself when the visualized character is better than the one I had imagined reading the books from which this film is adapted. 
        Another interesting point I think this film makes is its statement on good and evil. Just by looking at the central characters for each side of good and evil we can see a concept that culture has associated with each idea. Good, like Harry, is humble, willing to learn, and above all loving.  Evil, the kind that Voldemort exhibits on the other hand is proud, ruthless, has no capacity for love and is always looking for ways to exalt itself above others. It also shows our desire and hope that eventually good will always reign over evil, no matter how long evil is allowed to delude itself.

        Finally, I want to talk about the final scene when the last horcrux is destroyed.  I think that the image above depicting Voldemort's last stand against Harry is such an iconic image of the struggle we all face. Aside from how beautifully and well done the visual effects are, the audience really receives the impact that this is a struggle. It is not just one side dominating the other. We can also look around the center of the struggle and see the effects of the battle: broken crumbling buildings and rubble help invoke a sense of loss.
         For this film specifically I would like to make mention of the sound track. Alexandre Desplat has done an absolutely wonderful job in adding to the visual world created. I have always been a film score kind of guy and this is just another movie full of tracks that are beautiful and awe inspiring.
        To conclude I think that this film caps off what has been an amazing decade of magic. Everything was so well done and I think that the directors finished well what was started seemingly so long ago.

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