Sunday, March 30, 2014

Changes from book to movie, a deprivation of an experience

I am so very disappointed in Hollywood and their inability to do honor to certain books including Harry Potter. Let me start this out by saying that by no means to I feel like I was deprived of a proper storytelling when I watched the movies several years ago, that however doesn't change how much I missed in simply watching the movie. J.K. Rowling spent a lot of time describing the Dursley’s and who they were for a reason, however there was only ten minutes of actual time spent on them in the movie. The same goes for Diagon alley, this is an important place in the wizarding world, famous and established. It is literally the only place you can go for Hogwarts supplies it seems yet I have only seen a few minutes of the place in the movies.

I am enjoying this book so much as an adult I only wish that my younger self had read the book before watching the movie because meaning of people change. Even Neville Longbottom has greater importance in the book than movies. There is so much that was changed in order to fill in time placements but that doesn't excuse how much we miss as spectators instead of readers. I am disappointed in how much I have missed out on, and also how much more I understand about the Harry Potter world. I didn't even know that Hagrid had been expelled from Hogwarts, I simply thought that’s where he ended up after he graduated.

I feel movie makers should take more care when filming because yes, you do want to tell a good story, but the movie is based on a book with an already good story, so why change anything at all?

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