Sunday, February 16, 2014

Transformation of Bilbo

     Whenever I read the Hobbit I was always interested in the transformation of Bilbo. When Gandalf first comes to visit, Bilbo was in his element as a Baggins. He was smoking a pipe proudly and comfortably in front of his beautiful Hole. He stays completely a Baggins until the Dwarves begin to sing and he starts to picture places far away from his home and as it says the “Tookish part of him began to wake up”. Even I would say till almost the end of his adventures the Baggins side of him stayed very strong. He frequently wished to be in his own Hobbit hole and back in comfort. But in instances such as the fight against the spiders, as well as, the parts with Gollum and later the Dragon, the Took side of him comes alive and he acts very bravely and without self-doubt once he’s in the situation. Slowly, the more the Took side comes out, the more Bilbo is consistently more outspoken and in charge of the situations that come his way. I think Tolkien did a good job transitioning Bilbo throughout the story so that when he returns to the Shire he is very “queer” indeed.

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