Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Journey Through Phantastes To Reality

Throughout Phantastes Anodos is faced with becoming a man and taking his father’s estate. His journey through fairyland raises the question: How much do we control in our lives? We see through Anodos that we tend to dive into circumstances that we cannot control. We follow him through his trials and triumphs. We experience what he does, feel what he does, and learn what he learns. All in all we realize things from Anodos that we wouldn’t realize on our own. Aspects of life that we don’t see in our lives are presented to us in different ways. Anodos and his experiences broaden our horizon to see the world with a polished pair of eyes.

Anodos shows us a Yin Yang kind of reality in fantasy. He sees what is good but also the evil that lives inside the good. Through this it helps us move through the good and bad, beauty and ugly, death and life. Mcdonald’s job with Anodos was not to have him fulfill or answer every hard situation and question that arose before him, but to send us away and have our thought processes changed through the questions. Those questions that we don’t want to answer but come to the realization that we have to deal with them. Our minds become aware and, assume if I may, see a different side of issues. Perspective is perspective whether you enlightened upon it through fantasy or reality. 

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