Sunday, February 2, 2014

Phantastes and Wood Beyond the World

     Having finished Phantastes and now beginning The Wood Beyond the World I am struck by the vast differences between the two novels as well as their similarities. While both novels were written fairly close together and are both coming of age novels, The Wood Beyond the World uses way more archaic language than Phantastes. I also noticed that while both Anodos and Walter begin their journeys within the first two chapters of their respective novels, Walter has much better character development than Anodos within those two chapters. Consequently, I felt a lot more compassion for Walter despite Anodos losing his father.
     The Wood Beyond the World has also captured my attention much faster than Phatastes did. I was not to concerned with Anodos's journey until the introduction of the maiden of the Alder tree, however, Walter's first sighting of the stately woman, the dwarf, and the other woman immediately had me hooked. I'm very interested to discover what is going to happen with that mysterious trio and I can't wait to see how they help or hinder Walter on his journey away from his wife. I am also very interested to learn how Walter's venture will transform him, and what lessons he will learn that will effect the feud back in his home land.

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