Saturday, April 12, 2014

To go home, or to stay.

     In Stardust there is the huge wall that separates the fairy world from the "real" world. But, there is never an explanation as to why. It is very much unsettling. Why must we have the wall? Who built the wall? And why is there one certain time of year that the inhabitants from across the wall allowed to come across it? Though we don't get the answers to these questions we do get an answer to one question: Which side of the wall should you choose/desire to live and be a part of if the choice could be your own.
     Which side should you choose? The world as you've always known it or the world that is new and exciting? Simple answer right, wrong. You want to go into the world of magnificence. There is more to do, it is more dangerous, miraculous things happen all the time, and stars can be people. It appeals to all the adventure in every one of us. But what about our homes and families. The things that we're used to and grew up with. The wonderful things that we didn't have to worry about back at home; like getting caught by a witch and becoming her slave.
     So, is this "other side" of the wall really the better side? I wouldn't think so. In almost all tales the hero's quest isn't finished until he is finally back home. There is the excitement that they face and the love that they possess for it but there is always a longing in the back of their mind and heart saying "I want to go home". Though the other side of the wall is full of magical, majestic things the home side of the wall can be as well.... just in a different way. Home is always where the heart is, and the heart is always entangled to your roots.

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